

Support for torture victims
c/o Ambulatorium für Folter- und Kriegsopfer SRK
Werkstrasse 16
CH-3084 Wabern



Concept and technology in cooperation with WeLoveYou AG

Terms of use

By visiting our website and using our services, you agree to the collection of your data and to our terms of use. You visit and use our website and navigate at your own risk. The network support for torture victims cannot be held liable for any damage that may result from the use of or inability to use the website and its contents. This applies in particular to damage that could result from downloading content from our site due to viruses or similar. The association support for torture victims does not accept any responsibility for damages that could arise from the interruption of functions of the website. The content of the support for torture victims website may contain inaccuracies or errors. The association support for torture victims reserves the right to improve this content at any time.

Image rights

The rights of the images on this website belong to the Swiss Red Cross and Association appartenance

Links to other websites

The activation of certain links on this website leads to external websites. The association support for torture victims checks the suitability of a link when setting it up, but accepts no responsibility for its content. Those responsible online for creating links to our website are requested to inform the association support for torture victims of this.